Watching a structure as iconic as the Eiffel Tower come crumbling down to the ground was just as breathtaking as seeing the Whitehouse overrun in Modern Warfare 2. Upon initial boot, the game even asks you if you’d like to have said content appear in your campaign playthrough, just like Modern Warfare 2 did when asking about the airport scene.Īs advertised, MW3 is in fact a look at World War 3, or what it would be like for actual modern warfare across the world’s nations. There are certain moments in Modern Warfare 3 that are just as jaw-dropping, disturbing, and awe-inspiring, as the infamous airport scene from Modern Warfare 2. But it’s hard to dispute that the production values and attention to detail have never been higher. If you’ve played any other Call of Duty before this, then you know exactly how Modern Warfare 3 plays from beginning to end. Sure, you’ll be the gunner of an AC-130 again, switching from the birds-eye-view of the battlefield, to your squad of special operatives on ground level, awaiting orders to proceed or hang back. You’ll end up doing a lot of what you’ve done in the previous two games, but it somehow manages to still feel fresh. Modern Warfare 3 will at times be very reminiscent of the previous game, just as Modern Ware 2 was to the original. After much speculation about the future of the franchise after Infinity Ward lost about half of the Modern Warfare 2 team, I’m happy to report that not only is the franchise in good hands, it may be in the best hands it’s ever been in. After the falling out with Vince Zampella and Jason West, two of the founders of Infinity Ward, Activision brought on Glen Schofield and Michael Condrey, whom are both responsible for the critically acclaimed Dead Space and are co-founders of Sledgehammer. It’s important to remember, however, that Sledgehammer Games had just as big of a hand in the development of Modern Warfare 3 as Infinity Ward did. And now, Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games have co-developed Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 in an attempt to take fans on one last ride, and put an end to this trilogy-long story arc. Modern Warfare 2 achieved nothing short of overcoming the hurdle that was surpassing its predecessor in 2009. Starting its reign over the first-person shooter market back in 2007, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare brought us a new, addictive take on multiplayer that would since be imitated, and in this case, iterated upon. Oh Modern Warfare, how you’ve shaken up the video game industry so.